Articles by: Kentingtons

Articles by Christopher Davenport

Property vs Shares and Bonds – Which is the Best Investment?

Property vs Shares and Bonds – Which is the Best Investment?

The 2008 financial crisis naturally rocked many people's confidence in financial institutions. Since then, many of our clients here at Kentingtons, have asked us about the merits of property as an investment (as opposed to somewhere to live) – thinking that a tangible...

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French economy looking healthier than the UK?

French economy looking healthier than the UK?

With talk of a recession in the UK reaching fever pitch, I have been asked to look at how the French economy is doing, including implications for savings and investments in both countries. Over the last two decades, perhaps longer, it could certainly be argued that,...

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Planning for the end of the French tax year

Planning for the end of the French tax year

The end of the year is here! Well not quite; in fact, as I sit here writing this, it is still mid-August, and I am staring at my heavily scorched, crispy yellow lawn, dreaming of rain! Some might comment, therefore, that it is a little early to be considering winter...

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A Revolution in French Social Charges for Retired UK Expats

A Revolution in French Social Charges for Retired UK Expats

If you are a retired UK expat living in France, you will be used to not paying French social charges (CSG / CRDS) on your UK pensions, which is excellent news. This is courtesy of EU law, stating that these charges may not be taken on pensions where the beneficiary is...

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